
What was one of Heith Ledgers last movies? ?

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I mean the one before the Dark Knight. "One of Heath Ledger's last movies."




  1. Batman: the dark night


  2. The Dark Knight. He played the best "Joker" ever. Very dark, nothing silly like in the past.

  3. Batman: The Dark Knight. He played "Joker"

  4. Brokeback Mountain maybe - I can't believe he made that one.

  5. The Dark Knight,Batman.

    But at the time of his death he was working on another thing,

    The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.

    Finished about half of his work on that one.

    But The Dark Knight,he finished it completely.

  6. Probably his best known movies are Brokeback Mountain and playing The Joker in the latest Batman, The Dark Knight . He really was an awesome actor. What a waste.

  7. batman

  8. "Dark Night" was not the last movie he will be in, it will be "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" which he had started filming before he died, ergo, "The Dark Knight" is one of his last films.

    Before that in "I'm Not There" he was only one of several actors to portary Bob Dylan.

    Before that it was "Candy" in which he was an artsy-fartsy type herion addict and "Casanova" where he played the lead...while he was great in all of those roles and some even have been critically acclaimed and received some awards, they were not big at the box office and not even shown in theaters in many cities and the first time a person would find them is by accident at their local video store.

    The one prior to that is the one he is best know for, "Brokeback Mountain".

  9. wow youre an idiot

  10. The Dark Knight when he played the Joker. That movie was phenomenally great!! He did amazing! I saw it 3 times!! Go Heath! :)

  11. The Dark Knight, was his last movie.

  12. dark knight

  13. It's Heath Ledger and one of the was Dark Knight.

  14. See! I read that you said movies! which is plural! Meaning more than 1 :D.

    The Dark Night

    Broke Back Mountain

    I'm not there


    The Brothers Grimm


    Lords of Dogtown

    Two Hands..

    These are just from 2005-2008.

  15. Where the heck have YOU been?

    Under a rock?

    Just read any newspaper, magazine, or website.

  16. the dark knight.

    he was the joker.

  17. The Dark Knight was his very last movie.

    He was awesome if I may say. Best Batman movie ever!

    Here are other recent movies:

    2006 Played a drug addict in "Candy" opposite Abbie Cornish

    2007 Portrayed Bob Dylan at one distinct stage of his life, in Todd Haynes' film, "I'm Not There"

  18. Lords Of Dogtown

  19. Dark Knight

    But if you want to see one of his earlier films, I recommend Candy, its an amazing film.

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