
What was one of your favorite games to play when you were growing up???

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What was one of your favorite games to play when you were growing up???




  1. Truth or Dare of course ...... what kid didn't like playing that game? ...... you either got to hear some dirt about one of your friends or you got the opportunity to do something really embarassing. LOL. = )

  2. We were lucky and had a field, so it was baseball and football. Tag and hide and go seek were also popular. Kinda makes you want to get all the P&Sers together and take the day off.

  3. Monopoly.  I just loved to count the money.  

  4. I loved playing TROUBLE.  Also was heavily into being a bank mogul with MONOPOLY.

    Sandy  :O)

  5. super mario three!!

    and scrabble

  6. Hide and seek  

  7. Tag.

    I still like it, haha.

  8. pin the eviction notice on the toothless hick. oly out.

  9. RISK....I just like being world emperor for a day...

    of course when strip poker came into play the risk game got tossed out!....

  10. I wasn't into games too much.

  11. Monopoly

  12. Twister; I still love it!


  13. Doctors......♥

  14. skipping, hopscotch, and that video game: spyro

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