
What was pandoras box?

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who opened it if it was




  1. it was just a box that contained all the bad things in the world like pain and sorrow stuff like that. and pandoras husband (cant remember his name) had this box and was like "Oi dont open this box" but he didnt tell her what was inside but Pandora being very nosey couldnt resist taking a peek so she did and then all the nasty things got released into the world. Its greek mythology. its awesome i love that story. :)

  2. Q. What was Pandora's Box?

    The box was a wedding gift from Zeus to Pandora, the first woman of mankind. She was Zeus way of getting revenge on that ungrateful Prometheus who stole the secret of fire from the gods.  ;-)   Zeus gave her in marriage to Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. Unbeknown to her the box was filled with all the evil of mankind. She was told never to open the box but Zeus being the sneaky god that he was had the gods give her the gift of curiosity. She ultimately opened the box and all of the evils of mankind escaped from the jar. At the last minute Pandora was quick enough to close it again and trap the last inside, Elpis( she was personification of hope ). Zeus used Pandora and her box to exact revenge upon Prometheus when a member of his own family his brother's wife, Pandora, released all the evils of mankind into the world. It was the ancient Greeks way of trying to explain how the evils of the world came to be.  ;-)

    Q. Who opened it?

    Pandora = her name means "Gift Giver to All" in Greek, her other Greek name, inscribed against her figure on a white-ground kylix is Anesidora, "She who sends up gifts"...both names have similar meanings ~ 'gift giver' ~ and boy did she give mankind some gifts... LOL!!...too bad the only one she trapped was the last and best gift she could have given to the world.

  3. pandora opened the box, which contained humanities pain, sorrow and suffering. it is said that no mortal can resist the temptation to open the box, and by opening the box you release the contents pretty much destroying life on earth as we know it.

  4. Pandora's Tampon of course!

  5. That, my dear, is a very personal question.

  6. Pandoras box is a p**n film thats been circulating since the 70's

  7.'s_box youll get all the info you need there

  8. its was full of sins and was opened let some one else fill you in with the rest  

  9. After Prometheus' theft of the secret of fire, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create the woman Pandora as part of the punishment for mankind. Pandora was given many seductive gifts from Aphrodite, Hermes, Charites, and Horae. For fear of additional reprisals, Prometheus warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, but Epimetheus did not listen, and married Pandora. Pandora had been given a large jar and instructed by Zeus to keep it closed, but she had also been given the gift of curiosity, and ultimately opened it. When she opened it, all of the evils of mankind escaped from the jar, although Pandora was quick enough to close it again and keep one value inside: hope.

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