
What was racist about Obamas pastors comments?

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Please someone point out where there is a racist comment in this video. I want to know if im jaded by growing up black in America, what has so many white people offended?

Im not talking about the n word either, thats common rhetoric amongst poorer black communities.




  1. Stop asking...just look at old Q and A's...Sheesh!!! I AGREE...but give it a rest...Let them look stoooopid.

  2. Ho please you are beyond hope you are a lost soul you can't believe there is nothing anti American with his rants Please you must be joking or you are one...What happened to you fall off your skate broad one to many times

  3. Racists can justify anything; can't they boy

  4. Obamas BAD! DON'T VOTE FOR HIM!

  5. Not so much in this video is he super racist as others, but definitely is preaching hatred towards America.  I understand what happened in the past but sometimes you got to move forward and progress.  That is the great thing about America, we can better ourselves if we so desire.  People can't keep blaming america for all their hardships.  I understand I am white and "just don't understand what it's like", but no way would I defend a pastor(white, black, red, blue, green) that preached such hatred.  I hope this gives you good perspective from a different point of view.

  6. Voters are finally realizing that Obama's campaign is fueled by extreme racial pride.

  7. I want to know his stand on "goat farming".

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