
What was required when you tried out for volleyball?

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highschool team




  1. You need potential, verticle (if your interested in front row),  able to serve the ball overhand, can hit the ball somewhat hard, can set, willing to fall to the floor (coaches love when you try REALLY hard)

  2. depends on the size of your school. if you go to a small school you will probably get on the team no matter what. If its a large school, you probably want to have good passing, setting and an idea of how to hit. overhand serve is very helpful especially if you can make it float or give it topspin. although i think the most important thing is to have drive. if you show really passion on the court, and want to learn the sport, the coaches will notice you.

  3. when i tried it was highly recomended to have a jump serve, or strong and efficiant floater or over hand serve. we all had to be able to set decintly well, not saying we were all setters but if a ball came our way and the setter couldnt get it or already hit it then we had to know how and who to set. hitting of course is a big part as well as defence. but there werent like set requirements, but of course we had to be in highschool and all that technicall stuff.

  4. Alright well if your going to be a freshman and trying out for the highschool team you want to have the basics passing,setting,hitting.The more complicated things are transitioning,rotations,blocking,tipping... Also a great attitude on the court always shows the coaches a great team player. Being Loud on the court a leader. Also an overhand serve you dont necessarily need a jump serve unless you can perform one. A good strong float serve is always good and will impress. Also always show coachablility it shows you want to be there and learn and play well it also shows the coaches you are willing to learn! Good Luck!!

  5. bumping, setting, approaching, overhand serving were the things for my school's tryout.

    coaches don't expect you to know how to spike or approach unless you've played club before.

    they also like loud people on the court, people who try hard.

  6. give your best put forth effort and know what your doing good sportsmanship and listening skills

  7. you want to make sure you have a medical and permission slip filled out before you even try out.

    at the tryouts, the coach will probably want to see who has the best fundamental skills. these being: bumping, setting, hitting, serving, digging, and blocking. they will probably do a number of drills to test each of these skills. in the beginning, they may want you to run for a bit to get you warmed up and even to test your agility.

    after these drills, my coach had us play in a practice game to see how our transition from offense to defense and back was like.

    don't get too stressed out about it. just know the basics and i think you should be fine. my coach didnt expect the people trying out to know every single thing.

    good luck! :]

  8. 1) passing skills

    2) setting [[if you want to be a setter]]

    3) hitting

    4) blocking [[if you are tall enough to be a middle blocker]]

    5) digging [[if you want to be a libero]]

  9. It all depends on the coach. My coach was really really big on passing and a sound defense so passing was the most essential thing that she was looking for.

    Peppering (or passing) with another player is also key because it really shows a coach your ability to keep the ball in play, your determination and you ball control skills. Believe it or not me and my coach based a lot of  cuts on people's attitudes during the warm up passing. If you slack off when the coach isn't looking, it gets noticed.

    If you're a hitter hitting different spots really gets you noticed. It shows your versitility but if you arn't a strong hitter yet just focus on getting it in a solid spot, maybe cross court.

    GOOD ATTITUDE. always hustle. never quit. good luck!!

  10. i never did try out for volly ball so idk

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