
What was so Bad with Bill Clinton, other than the Monica thing?

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Like, my friend showed me a book that was called, "bill clinton's achievements in office" or something like that, and it was a blank book. And I hear people say they aren't voting for Hilary just because they don't want him anywhere near the WHite House again. I was told before though, that he was actually a pretty decent president? Can anyone enlighten me to why people don't like him so much?

[Yes, I could look it up, but I'm lazy.]

And please don't post anything stupid. I'm looking for legit answers please. =]





  1. From a conservative standpoint bill clinton is lowsy because he disgraced the oval office by getting a bj by Monica, commited perjury, gave military technology secrets to china, chose all extremely liberal judges who support g*y marriage etc, pardoned some really bad people for money, had had many opportunities to kill osama bin laden but chose not to out of fear of possibly injurying or killing some innocents, vetoed a bill that would have allowed for drilling oil in alaska which would have been producing at full capacity by down and we would only be paying $2.00 for gas.

  2. Basically because he lied to a grand jury and obstructed justice.

  3. One of the biggest tax increases in history,  he failed to take action against bin laden before 9/11 happened ,  veto the bill that would have allowed drilling for oil in a.n.w.a.r  ,  the boondoggle in Somalia.....the list could go on forever.  EDIT:  " no one died when Clinton lied"  really?  ask Vince Foster, remember how he mysteriously died after he received a subpoena to testify in the white water scandal.

  4. By anything stupid, do you mean any sentence that opens with the word "like". Like OMG!!!

  5. He lied to a grand jury about his involvement with Monica Lewinsky.  That got him a charge of perjury and he lost his law license for five years as a result of that lie.

    The law considers perjury to be a felony and as something that is to be taken very, very seriously.

  6. Well, you can thank Bill for vetoing the bill that would have made us a bit more energy independant. The bill prevented us from drilling our own oil and building refineries.

    He also bombed Sudan which was  the equivalent of an aspirin factory. Bad intell and was unnecessary, but I guess the Bush Bashers give Clinton a free ride for doing it.

    He gave away guidance technology to China so now the  last communist government in the world has rockets and now the technology to actually aim them at us.

    He was a womanizer, and it wasn't so bad regarding the Monica thing, the pivotal problem was he did so without respect, total disregard for the office, his polition and any sense of decency or morals. no one else except Bill flaunted his indescressions...without any real remorse or shame.

    Needless to say, many of his "failings" didn't make it to the public eye while he was in office, and those that did were shot down by an accomplising media and infatuated public.

    He did keep unemployment least that was one good thing.

    He gutted alot of the military that was built up during the Regan and following years. He stole much of the funding fto apply it to his liberal programs

    He has condemned and backstabbed the USA verbally to allies over seas.

    He even had Bin Lauden at one point and let him go.

    How many must I list. Seems that alot of people give him a pass just because the economy was decent. Personally I hold people accountable instead of voting according to my wallet.

    Integrity is a life long value

  7. The terrorists made several attacks during Clinton's administration and he did nothing about them. He had a chance to take out Bin Laden and did nothing. The terrorists planned 9/11 during Clinton's administration but, with Clinton's policies on inferior intelligence gathering, we got attacked big time shortly after President Bush took office. Bush has been turning the trend of the weak Clinton years.

  8. The only good thing to come out of the Clinton administration was FMLA.

  9. Maybe the whole Whitewater thing, and Gennifer Flowers (before he was in office), but let's face it, that is nothing next to what George W. Bush has done...

    Nobody died when Clinton lied.

    Oh yeah, and he balanced the federal budget, and almost eliminated the deficit before the end of his horrible!

  10. Well, there are all those war crimes.

    He attacked a sovereign country which had not attacked us (Yugoslavia), and without even requesting authorization from Congress first.  He gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton.  We STILL have troops over there.

    According to many liberals on this board, those are crimes for which a president should be impeached, tried in international court, and tortured.  Not necessarily in that order.

  11. Three things were wrong with Bill Clinton. Peace, Prosperity and Budget Surpluses.

    Republicans can't stand that sort of thing. That's why it never happens when the GOP controols DC.

  12. Possibly like every other leader or guy in power he had his girls and got caught. Most likely no one could find any other dirt on him so used this to taint his image. His only real mistake is he should have got a girl that swallows load. Apart from that he is amazing. Who would you prefer, Obama, Dubya or Clinton?


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