
What was so righteous about Lot offering his daughters to the mob?

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why is it better for women to be raped? why did he not offer himself?




  1. It wasn't righteous. It was a dumb idea. That is why the angels intervened to prevent him from doing it.

  2. well, he had already gotten them both knocked up in that cave- of course the story says they got him drunk and 'made' him do it

    what do you think?

  3. Well first off Brian I  understand why you are wondering why Lot did what he did. It's only natural, but please understand you are looking at the situation in the context of your own time. You are viewing it as a man in today's world, in order to get to the heart of the matter you have to understand what was the values and morales of that time. You see you're debating right or wrong in today's term. If you had lived back then in times such as Lot's your thinking would have been really different. Not to put you off but it's useless to debate right and wrong today as opposed to what it was when Lot and his family lived.

    Trust me they way they thought about it then was far different. In times such as biblical times that Lot and his family lived, it was a very serious matter indeed to be a good host when you had strangers/guests at your home. It was perhaps one of the ultimate and honorable codes of it's time that you protected any guests under your roof at all costs.

    When the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah saw that Lot had two men (who were really Angels of God btw) as his guests, they came to his house and demanded that he turn them over to the mob so that they would be free to do whatever perversions they had in mind. Once again as I said, the codes and ethics of that time dictated that this could not be done, so Lot offered to the mob to appease them his two virgin daugthers who had not known any men (meaning any sexual relations) at the time. But the mob resisted, heck the offer of Lot's daughters made them even MORE angry and that's when the Angels stepped forward to protect the family by having those nearby blinded by a brilliant light. It wasn't because they thought it wasn't righteous or not, the crowd was out for blood because Lot's offer made them even that more angrier.

    Now again I understand as a 21st Century man you are reading this and wondering how such a thing could come to pass. But you have to step away from your point of  view in this time and understand how they looked at it in theirs.

    And btw Lot's daughters slept with HIM, AFTER this whole incident occured, and after the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. To help you understand it, the daughters actually believed for some strange reason that they and their father Lot, were the last people on the face of the Earth. They devised a way to repopulate the Earth by conviving to sleep with their father, by getting him drunk so he didn't know any better or couldn't resist to do it. It's all laid out there in the bible or on the web for you to read for yourself. Hope my answer helps you Brian.

  4. That's the hypocrisy of Christianity for you!

  5. i often wonder about it my self. what did his daughters do to deserve that.  did the angels agree for Lot to do so.if the was the custom of the time. maybe that is why God destroyed the city and every one there.

  6. It wasn't so righteous.In fact it showed his lack of faith (though in his eyes he was "protecting" the two angels(who were sent to protect him)he is  a type (or shadow ) of the ones who will be left behind in the up-coming rapture and subsequent tribulation

  7. As horrible as that was it was better than the homosexual rape of holy angels.

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