
What was spain like during american exploration?

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What was spain like during american exploration?




  1. During the time Spain was exploring America?  (Like, during Columbus´ time)   Spain was very rich... they had a lot of gold, a strong fleet, and were one of the most powerful contries in the world.  They lost a lot of money during the Crusades and lost power when the Spanish Armada were destroyed in route to attack England.

  2. A major world power, big sea power, but not as powerful as England or France

  3. very powerful and rich because before they conquered the Americas they had already conquered parts of Europe. and became even more rich conquering the Americas and the Caribbean till the COPYCATS-English, Dutch, Portugese, French came over and tried to conquer too but the most successful were the Spanish and secondly the English and Brazil was only given to the Portugese because some pope gave it to them. the french were not very successful. The Spaniards then went on to conquer Africa, and Asia-they conquered many places around the world and were very successful.

  4. Extremely rich. At that moment Spain and Portugal divided the world between the two of them. That ended with the battle at Trafalgar at the southern atlantic coast, after which it was England that started to rule the seas, sometimes in competition with Holland, after which.... after which...

  5. Portugal was its main rival and competed for naval dominance.  The 'arms race for the sea' was a battle to obtain spices, which would enrich the captain of the ship and the country (notably the impetus for Colombus and Magellan).  In 1492, i think, they also expelled the moors (islamic conquerors) and in the mid 1500's the Inquisition was coming into its own.  Daily life??

    good fact - the conquistadors upon arriving on american soil would read the demand for alleigance to spain (in spanish) and proceed to brutalize and enslave whoever did not immediately convert to catholicism.  there's a name for it.  i don't have the book on hand.

  6. There were a lot of Spaniards.

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