
What was that psychology study they did where people electrocuted animals?

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not milgrams one on humans..

i just remember yearss ago a teacher was telling me about a study, similar to milgrams, but it was on animals? dogs i think?

help! :D




  1. I know of one where people shocked people. Google search electric shock experiment. I forget the name of the social psychologist.

  2. Sheridan, C.L. and King, K.G. (1972) Obedience to authority with an authentic victim, Proceedings of the 80th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 7: 165-6.

    But please be sure to note, Milgram's experiment didn't have electric shocks. The experimenters used a confederate to act as though they were being shocked. The puppy in the aforementioned study, sadly, was shocked.  

  3. There were many! Maybe Brady's Executive Monkey study? He gave monkeys an electric shock, but one controlled the shock, the other didn't, and the one that controlled it died from a stomach ulcer?

    There was another one where a small electric shock was given to a puppy to see if students would continue to administer the shocks to the dog. That was based on Milgram's experiment.

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