
What was that teacher in Florida thinking about......Polling a class of 5 year olds????

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The one that polled her class..whether or not the liitle boy should stay in her class...What do you live under a rock?




  1. You need to explain a little more, I'm not sure what you're refering to.

  2. I don't know what she was thinking, but she sure did s***w up! Her job is probably on the line for this stunt. That little boy with autism has many rights, and being voted out of his classroom breaks many rules! For they rest of you who don't know what we're talking about...............

  3. At least she did not get pregnant with one of them. Whew!

  4. What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Did the teacher admit she did this or is this what the child told his parents. I remember an irate parent coming into my elementary school. She was angry about her child going on a field trip to the zoo the previous day without a written parental permission slip. The first grader had described the day, the animals & the bus trip in detail to her mom. The problem, the class went no where, they had spent the previous day at school doing normal first grade activities. The little girl made it up.

  5. I couldn't believe it when I heard this story. That teacher obviously wasn't thinking about the best interest of the child. I wouldn't be surprised if she was let go because of this.

  6. Could you give more details?


    Thanks for the details, Christy.

    Wow! That is bizarre! I can't imagine doing that, as a teacher. Her job is to protect the students from bullying, and instead she was the primary bully! Wow.

  7. huh??

  8. EDIT:

    OH GOSH! I just read the story. Never mind, that was pretty horrible. I can't believe she made them list what they DIDN'T like about the child. That's so mean.

  9. She was crazy and should be fired immediatly!

  10. I think merely firing her (thanks for the link Cristy) , would be too lenient.    Thats child abuse, pure and simple.

    As to what she was thinking, I'll play armchair psychologist for a moment and take a guess at it (Disclaimer: I am not a real psychologist, nor do I play one on TV)

    My guess is that she was very frustrated working with the student (Students with autism can have a lot of needs and be very draining to work with, especially at a young age).  She may have lacked training in working with students with special needs and felt (or even been) unsupported in working with the child.   I don't know whether she previously had the sense to go to the principal or other authority to request a paraeducator for help, or consulted with a special ed teacher for advice (which would be two avenues I would recommend in such a situation), but she probably should have.

    She was probably very frustrated, and rather than seek a proper outlet for that frustration (work out, vent at the prinicpal, talk to a therapist, take anger management classes, or if worst came to worst even just up and quit) she became angry and directed that anger at the student (rather than at a faceless society which isn't always that supportive of the education of students with disabilities).  In her petty enraged state of mind, she abused her authority and forced a 'confession', forcing him to 'acknowledge' the behaviors which annoyed her (as well as possibly her classmates), then taking a cue from survivor 'voted him off the island' as a way of insisting that she wouldn't deal with him anymore.

    PLEASE NOTE: I am in no way, shape, or form defending her actions.  I am just trying to present a theory as to why a criminal decided to perpetuate a crime (like a criminologist would).  My opinion is my own, and does not have scientific of professional backing.

  11. i gess it was better than caneing them

  12. OK

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