
What was the KROQ parody song last week that caused all the drama?

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The morning KROQ people are 'in trouble' for some sort of parody song they did about a week ago - maybe two. The drama is that ONE person complained about it and 50,000 people laughed at it and CBS (who owns KROQ) is taking the side of the ONE person. Anyway, I missed it. What was the song about?




  1. KROQ's Kevin and Bean Have Parody Yanked

    Kevin and Bean from KROQ/Los Angeles got a slap on the wrist from their company's own lawyers. According to the morning show had been playing a parody song called "Hey There v****a" until "...lawyers for the station put the kibosh on playing the tune, claiming it was 'indecent.'"

  2. I dont know.  I didnt know that they were in any trouble.

    KROQ used to be good now they play garbage.  Now your thumbs down have a reason.

  3. It was a paradoy to the song "lean like a cholo". They called it "lean like a homo". I didn't hear the song but I listen to them every morning while I drive to work and they were talking about it today because they got an email from a listener. They said that the management was getting on their backs about not offending anyone. They basically said that if you keep it up they are going to pull their show from the air. Well Kevin and Bean are not to happy about it because they really don't intend to stop they maybe off the air soon. They are thinking of having a farewell show soon because it could be at any moment that they are canceled. I personally don't think that you can ever NOT offend someone. Someone is always going to complain. I just hope they don't go off the air. I love their show!!

    Oh and the v****a song kind of started it all but the new one lean like a homo really sent them over the edge.

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