
What was the LAST THING YOU ATE.........?

by Guest32908  |  earlier

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that you cannot find in ANY grocery sore anywhere on earth??




  1. I ate an ant once when I was 8.

    Everything else has come from a grocery store I'm pretty sure.

  2. Biscuit dough....I licked the bowl =D

  3. omg carrots and i puked 3 times now oh wait brb


  4. Razzle dazzel's rice kripies

  5. jelly bellies.

  6. squirrel  

  7. I am eating popcorn now, before that I think I had a bowl of rice crispy sometime in the night.

    Those rice bowls rock.

  8. The old school Steak Fingers

  9. I'm not THAT adventurous.

  10. Honey Bunches Of Oats in bananas! DUUUUDE!!! I was flippin' TICKED when they discontinued it!!!

    The funny thing is, whenever I am ticked off, the ticks stay away from me! lol!

  11. My sister...

  12. a piece of apple pie

  13. Ha Ha, I win! A vegemite sandwich! find that anywhere. I dare ya !!!!

  14. Fried Grasshoppers on my last survival course about 7 years ago and Puffadder (Snake) and Mopani Worms before that.

    All were actually very tasty, especially the Mopani worms, which is a fairly bulky species found here in South Africa and became somewhat of a delicacy for a while some time ago.

    I've never seen any of these on the shelves around here. Lol.

  15. Ice Breakers Sours ... Can't find 'em in the entire city.

  16. air....can't buy it at the store

  17. I just ate some homemade blueberry waffles, does that count?

  18. those Uncle Ben's Rice Bowls!!  i cant find them anywhere in my town!

  19. a non-mozzarella cheese pizza...hard to find those little buggers...when i do get my hands on them...they are mine !!!

  20. I had lime/pepper potato chips in Canada & cannot find them here in the States ! So I' m having some sent by my Canada friend !


  21. well these ice creams, they were limited edition, so no where to be found now, i THINK they were a version of cornettos, there was a capachino one and some fruit ones or soemthing

    but WOW they wer just SOOOO good

    but, they dont exist now

    we may have eaten all the stock by ourselves as we just bought them over and over


  22. Well I had octopus and yellow finned tuna  Shashimi two days ago, they don't sell that!  

  23. Pizza

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