
What was the Name of the Angels that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed came on

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according to one of my copy and paste sessions, I pasted that Isa nabi will come with Two angels.

What was the name of the two angels that Ghulam Ahmed came on?




  1. This is a metaphorical hadeeth and should be understood accordingly.

    The hadeeth also says that Isa (as) will kill the swine and break the cross.

    If we take that literally, do you really expect the extinction of pigs and every cross in the world broken?  What would that solve?

    Would it not be better if Isa (as) destroyed the concept of the cross and divinity of Christ (as) as well as reformed people so that swinish behavior no longer existed?  I.e. bring about truth and reject immorality?

    Metaphorical prophacy my dear brother.

    love for all, hatred for none

  2. OMG !!

    even omarx is hitting on ahmadis. LoL

    this is a funny day.

    but good question i must admit.

  3. I think it was all in mirza's head.

  4. Oh noooo.....

    Not another one of those nebulous spiritual metaphors! Honestly, do the Qadyanis consider the Prophet (P.B.U.H) nothing more than one sent to ask riddles? (Nauzubillah!   Auzu-billahi-minal-shaitan-al-rajim!)

  5. Techi Techi

  6. blah blah blah blah blah blah ...

  7. Assalamo Alalikum!

    Do not take everything so literally for the beauty of words lie in their metaphorical meaning.  Take, for instance, 'Assalamo Alaikum.'  That means "Peace be upon you."  Not a direct peace draping over you but so much more.  May the road ahead be at ease for you, may you be calm, may Allah grant you peace, etc etc.  Appreciate the true beauty of words.


    Muslim who believes in the Mahdi


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