
What was the Polanco, Bosques, Reforma area like after the 1985 earthquake?

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We know that neighbourhoods in the east wobbled a lot because the area was built over a lake. Anybody experienced the earthquake of 1985? Share your experience.




  1. As the other ppl already said, these areas were almost unaffected by the earthquake. It was mainly downtown where the biggest damage took place. Bosques is built on rocky soil so they didn't suffer at all in there. Polanco has very old buildings but earthquakes are not as strong in this part of the city (I live next to Polanco). Reforma is closer to downtown but most part of it did not suffer. So these places are just about the same they used to be before the earthquake.

  2. I was 14 back then I lived in the south side of mexico, I had to go to school in the morning. I remember my mom drove my brother and I to school.

    Suddenly the traffic started feeling very heavy, stop lights didnot work anymore and we felt a little dizzy. My mom pulled over and then we really started feeling the earth move, it was swaying from one side to the other, you could hear buildings cracking and people shouting. For a moment everything remained silent. Then we could hear police sirens everywhere, and ambulances.

    My mom drove to school (In the south side of the city not many buildings colapsed so we hadn't seen the magnitud of the quake. We arrived and the T.V.'s were on, they were showing an unknown city to us, everything was in ruins, people lying on the street and reporters practically in shock.

    later we saw the results, fortunately my familiy survived and we are all here to talk about it. It was horrible.

    Bosques and Reforma were not very damaged only a few old buildings cracked. Polanco had a little bit more damage, some buildings collapsed.

    The really affected parts were Colonia Condesa, Centro, Tlatelolco and downtown areas.

    we didn't have school for 2 weeks. It has been a memory I will never forget.

  3. knight_7204 is correct.  The west zone of Mexico City (Polanco, Bosques de las lomas, Cuajimalpa) were without damages.  The worst cases were in downtown, Tlatelolco and Roma colony.

  4. I actually lived in "La Herradura" (close to Tecamachalco) during the 85 quake. I was having breakfast when the earthquake began at 7:19 am. It really felt horrible. As you said, the areas mostly damaged were downtown (Centro, Roma, Doctores, etc) and north of the city (Tlatelolco).

    Polanco, Bosques and Reforma areas have not changed much since then. Santa Fe didn't even exist. The Interlomas boom was just beginning.)


    AUGUST 26,1985

    NOW IM 22

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