
What was the REAL reason of Serbian attacking US Embassy in former Yugolusavia?

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I just don't understand why would US Gov't support Kosvov when they are just beggars, liars and hypocrites. Serbs are hard working people I ever known & they can be tough people through but their intentions were right.




  1. Judging by your post, this is why there will never be peace in the Balkans, and why ethnic cleansing is such a popular tradition in that part of the world (no problem though, right?  After all, according to you, Kosovars are just "beggars, liars and hypocrites").  

    Your "well intentioned" comrades attacked more than just the US Embassy, caused the death of at least one person, millions of dollars of damage to public and private property, the wasted attention of the UN Security Council, and the breakdown of diplomatic relations in Serbia.  Not bad for a few hours work.

  2. The Serbian Government is expected to protect all the Embassies in Belgrade, according to International Law. They have not protected the US Embassy, the Canadian. Croatian, and Turkish embassies have also been damaged, and there are more.The Serbs are known to be destructive,it will be good to see them do the rebuilding of what they have destroyed.

    The reason, is not important, the Law was broken and the violence and damage is important.

  3. Because dumb US government support Islamists in Kosovo, who they fight in Irag.Sounds rididculous.Right?

  4. The Serbs were  / are mad at the US  for recognizing Kosovo as an independant nation.

    The Confederates fought the Union Because they were mad at them for telling them what to do, how  to think , how to live.

    The Seniors of Florida  should declare themselves an  independant least for 6 months of the year. LOL

  5. Uh, maybe they are angry over the US stated recognition of the Kosovo declaration.  Not a popular stance there.  Check it out...

  6. The Serbs just meant to say they are fed up with the arrogant US foreign policy that has damaged the world.

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