
What was the SCARIEST dream you ever had?

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I'm continously having the weirdest & creepest dreams ever these days...




  1. .....The one we all are in right now....

  2. first off its physically impossible for you to die in a dream, its been proved like 3000 times by scientists. second my scariest dream is one where i got attacked by a bear  

  3. This one is not the scariest, but it had the biggest effect. I dreamed I was at my school, where there had been rumours of students disappearing and that they had been devoured by a yellow eyed creature that came in the night. I was walking past some bushes near the school grounds at dusk and I turned to my right, only to see two yellow snake-like eyes gleaming at me from the darkness of the growth. At that point, I felt an enormous rush of fear and panic and I woke up. I was literally terrified, sitting up forcefully in my bed and gasping for air. I lay back down, still trembling, and kept telling myself it had only been a dream...

    I have no idea why it affected me that way, but I'll never forget it!

  4. your mother in law,came and lived with me !!!!

  5. dunno, don't remember, sorry. but i had this dream once whewre i was sleeping on my room and a pumpkin was on my cabinet. it was spinning around and around , and two ghosts were hovering above me (with a white sheet over them, yuou know the fairy tale kind). but there were many more when i ws younger.

  6. I was killed three times in the same dream.

  7. i am a indigo child and have very weird dreams most come true. but like before some one or a pet dies i have a dream of how it happens. and then after it duse i have a dream of like hevin if you belive in that but i can tell you who is ther and stuff it is like i go ther and talk to them. a girl tould me to look under the bed at my new house and ther was a book there with the name aliza on it.. i have hadd the most weidest dreams ever.. i hadd a dream of going to another world and giving a sick spider some nightqwell.  and when i got up it was it i so creepy right to me tell me some of your dreams if you have time

  8. I had a dream that those spider things from the 80s movie aliens came into my house and were trying to get into my mouth and make me explode. and then one got onto my dog and I got really angery and I hit it with a pan and all of them died.  

  9. I was in an abandoned hospital and a bunch of these dead people appeared out of nowhere, they started coming after me and when they caught me they killed me in the worst way possible, skinning me alive, ripping me to pieces then eating me and worst part was that whole time I was still alive. O_o...

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