
What was the Third Estate in France?

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What was the Third Estate in France?




  1. The Third Estate  was the generality of people which were not part of the other estates.

    They were everyone who didn't qualify to be in the First or Second Estate.

    They included lawyers, housewives and teachers, or in other words, peasants. They were the ones who were stuck with paying the King's taxes because in Louis's mind, they didn't do anything helpful to him

    The Third Estate comprised all those who were not members of the aristocracy or the clergy, including peasants, working people and the bourgeoisie. In 1789, the Third Estate made up 96% of the population in France.

    Due in part to a limited franchise, the representatives of the Third Estate actually came from the wealthy upper bourgeoisie; sometimes the term's meaning has been restricted to the middle class, as opposed to the working class.

    They had to pay taxes to estate 1.

  2. To put it simply, whoever was not in the first estate (nobility) or the second estate (clergy). That is nearly everyone.

  3. the average person

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