
What was the address of Michael Alfano in Birmingam, Alabama in 1930?

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What was the address of Michael Alfano in Birmingam, Alabama in 1930?




  1. Mike and family lived on Tenth Ave south, in 1930.  The numbers used on the census are not the house numbers, but "household enumerated".. that will not help.  I BELIEVE it shows that he owned the house.. if so, it should have a deed at the county recorder's office.

    I don't see Mike/Michael in Birmingham in 1920.  There is Tony, who is not married, born about 1881. Any chance that full name was Michael Anthony or vice versa?  

    I'll save the 1930 image for you.  You will have to send me your regular email through my profile.. the filter does not allow attachments.

  2. 916(?) 10th Ave South

    Column 2 is the house #, but it isn't very clear.

    He owned the house, valued at $4000.  He also owned a radio, and was not a veteran.  

    States his immigration was in 1898.

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