
What was the avg life span of native americans before the europeans came? i know that they had few germs..?

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What was the avg life span of native americans before the europeans came? i know that they had few germs..?




  1. Probably a lifespan similar to people in other parts of the world at that time...and quite a bit shorter then now.

    I'm sure they had plenty of germs, but just like the Europeans, they were used to their own diseases and weren't as vulnerable to them unlike to all the new stuff whites brought in.

  2. It is not fewer germs that was the problem,  I'm sure they had childhood diseases as well.

    It is just the native American had not experienced European diseases.  Their bodies had no immunity to these alien diseases,  The same death toll was caused in earlier years by Europeans when they explored Africa,  and possibly everywhere else we went.

  3. Studies of ancient camp sites and grave sites show that the Ave. life span of N.American native people was 35-40 years.

  4. Probably the same or a bit higher than the average European. Native Americans, except in crowded Andean and Meso America lived with no animals and had fewer germs than the avg. European

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