
What was the best dance experience you have ever had?

by  |  earlier

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Ever dance on broadway? Traveled to dance?




  1. i took classes from sytycd contestants!!! including sabra, the winner of last year! that rocked!

  2. Our dance team got to dance at the Target Center (in minneapolis MN, where the timberwolves play). Anyway its HUGE! it was completely packed and we were really nervous! it went absolutely perfect though and i cant wait to do it again!  

  3. I got to dance Cinderella with our local pre-professional really great dance studio. The guy who owns it is world famous or something, Von Heideke.  

  4. that would be cool a+

  5. i got the opportunity to go to new york for master dance classes and training with the rockettes. but i couldn't go because my family was too poor then =[ so that was an experience i ALMOST had lol. it was really excited when i got the offer tho.  

  6. I'm only 13 so  it's not that great but a teacher from a nearby university came to teach my ballet class and pointe class, I think that he was from france but I couldn't tell. Another good moment was  the year we were taught by a student of Alicia Alanzo, it was reallly hard but I got alot better.

  7. ive know a girl who is going to travel to the bahamas this year for dance.

  8. I've toured with Monsters of Hip Hop! It was awesome and still to this day I go to their dance conventions! You get taught by great dance choreographers like Dave Scott, Shane Sparks, Marty Kudelko, Brian Freeman, Napolean and Tabitha, Rhapsody, Teresa Espinosa and many more!! It's for all ages and all levels of hip hop dance. You can try out for the tour, the show, and the competition as well as being in the convention. They even have showcases. It's so AWESOME

  9. this will sound lame.

    i have not had an amazing experience yet what you class as an experience because i have only been dancing 6 yrs & on the island of kos in greece but i see it professionally, i will study in england so i will hopefully get some best expriences !

    before i saw your additional detail my answer was the following:

    my best experience so far was dancing with the boy i love on stage in front of many many people. it was only for a few seconds, but i had choreographed it and it was made for him & i. lame but true... :D

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