
What was the best day of your life

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What was the best day of your life




  1. When my cat came back home after missing for a few days!  

  2. when my lil sis was born

    could u answer mine;...

  3. Friday 13th, always my better days,

    on one of them i realized people were talking about me- talking about how i spoke many languages, how pretty i was, how kind, and how this guy likes me.

    it was a great self-esteem booster because i was always the unstylish ignored nerd in elementary school. it felt great to be noticed.

    but that was just a phase, now it's all over and the people are gone. but i'm just glad it happened, i was so freaking happy that day :)

  4. today!!!!!!!!! coz i just joined yahoo answers today

  5. I don't know, I had a lot.

  6. my best day still hasn't come yet

  7. Everyday is, until the one day you don't ever wake up to enjoy life.

  8. When I got laid

  9. When I was born!!

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