
What was the best part of Obama's speech last night?

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I think one of the best parts was when he pointed out the billions of dollars in surplus that Iraq has and yet we continue to be in debt here in America and John McCain is the only one left who stubbornly wants to continue on with the war.




  1. The best part of his speech was:

    “I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag.”

    America have to unite its people to keep economic and politic leading the world. Bush destroyed the reputation of United States and McCain is more the same, as Obama said yesterday.

  2. The best part was when she finally shut her mouth.

  3. Thanks for the 2 points loser,

    McCain 2008!

  4. "It's not that John McCain doesn't care, it's he doesn't know!"

    when he sad he cares more about barney smith than smith barney.

  5. The stage and the fireworks.  Otherwise, just another stump speech. No memorable lines or themes.

  6. the end of it

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