
What was the best prank you've ever pulled?

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Or has been pulled by a friend / on you / that you've witnessed?


My mom, sister and I were taking a really long walk and my brother and his friend were biking it. The boys kept biking ahead and not waiting. So when our neighbour came up behind us in his van, we hitched a ride and passed the boys without their noticing. (My mom quickly put on a hard hat and looked out the other window, and me and lil sis ducked down.) We got home, Me and my Sis jumped in the pool- clothes and all. When they got home, they were surprised to see us at home before them. We told them my sister and I had jumped in the lake and swam to our road, while our mom had walked alongside us with the camera and our drinks then we climbed out at our neighbours yard and crossed the street, up to our house. THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVED US! We told them the truth at dinner though... :) So what's your awesome prank?




  1. Your prank is so sad

  2. thats what you call a prank? are you 5?

  3. My prank was rubbish!!!

  4. I had a boss who was a complete neurotic, verbally abusive jackass. He was terribly paranoid about his stupid car, a fact that he should have kept to himself. My co-worker and I had to leave to go on a call, but before we did so, I mixed up a "cocktail" of anti-freeze, motor oil and water in a great big McDonald's cup and poured it under the engine of the boss' stupid car, right before he was to leave to go home for the night. We were gone for more than an hour and when we got back, he was under the hood, his white shirt covered in grime and half of the hoses disconnected. Bear in mind it was about 85 degrees and 100 percent humidity, just to complete the picture. We just left him out there to deal with it, which he did for 2 more hours before having the car flat-bedded to his dealer only to find out he had been the subject of a prank. To top it off, I wrote him a note that had the simple acronym "YBHF" (You've been had f*****) and taped it to his desk. He never caught on as to who did it, but threw a fit for a month over it before HIS boss told him to shut up about it.  

  5. It happened by accident. I was upstairs listening to THE basketball game on the radio. My husband, downstairs, was watching on television. I discovered that the radio broadcast was live-time, while the television was delayed by a couple of minutes. I would go downstairs, get a drink from the frig, my husband would complain "his" team was behind, and I would say, don't worry Manning will probably put one in the basket in a few seconds. And, by golly, Manning would put one in the basket. I'd go upstairs, listen some more, go back downstairs and say, gosh, YOUR team is ahead right now, but an opposition player is going to make good on free throws. And it always happened like I said it would. My husband was really impressed with my uncanny ability to predict what was going to happen.

  6. when me and my buds went and sliced all the tires on all the cop cars in town and then started to do burnouts infront of the police barracks all night. and they all tried to chase us, but they were riding on rims. so we just decided to race around town, since no one could catch us. lol.  

  7. I don't know if you can consider this a prank, but my cousin was a best man and he was paired up with the brides disgusting sister and there is a picture of them together that he hates, so my aunt and I got a cardboard cut out of the picture of the sister and put it in his bed, blew up about 20 large copies of the picture, and like 300 wallet sized ones and put them EVERYWHERE in his house while him and his girlfriend were out of town. We even laminated some and put them in the toilet bowl. We both happened to be there when he arrived home and all we could hear from upstairs in his room when he discovered the cardboard cut out was "WHAT THE F***!!!" and his girlfriend laughing hysterically. He found the humour in it and has yet to get us back haha.

  8. okay, so I super-glued a few quarters to the floor of the cafeteria and everyone surrounded them in this big mob trying to make 25 cents. It was ridiculous. One girl took off her high heel and tried to scrape it up. The administration finally got them up....and a piece of the floor came up with it.  

  9. Four friends and i were driving home from Disneyland. It was starting to get dark and as we were on the freeway I noticed this lady in a car ahead of us with three of her kids in the car. The lady was mindlessly picking her nose like no-one could see her, so I instructed everyone in my car to start picking their noses.

      I slowly got along side her and started to pass her and sure enough she was still picking away at it when she looks over AND SEES US ALL PICKING OUR NOSES. She was so horrified and embarassed she almost lost control of her car.

    We laughed all the way home.

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