
What was the best toy you ever got?

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Mine was a pedal Army Jeep when I was about 5! I remember walking into the front room and being amazed at what was there for me! God times lol




  1. The wife, cost loads tho

  2. A doll that walked and talked - it was awesome

  3. SNES with street fighter 2 and mario kart!

    turned me into the Gamer i am today!

  4. a teddy bigger than me

  5. A rampant rabbit.

  6. The best toy i ever got was the death star play set from star wars 1977

  7. 5 DOGS

  8. I bought my son a black pedal f1 sports car that had the letters JPS I thought it was great.

  9. mr frosty slush drinks maker it was 1981 i thought it was wonderful back then .

  10. My firsrt bike - it was the mid ranger Striker in silver - cant remember the name of the name of the bigger one with 3 gears - think it started with G........oh yeah Grifter...Boxer was the small one...

  11. I'm older than dirt so it's hard to remember getting any toys. We were pretty happy with coloring books, crayons and hand-me-down bikes. Toys were not a top priority in our house. But, one day I was shocked and surprised when my mom came home from work and handed me a hoola(hula?)-hoop. I felt like a million bucks when I got that thing.

  12. my sassy cat build a  bear im 10 this is my moms yahoo though

  13. The Best toy i ever got was my small piano, then my parents bought me a big one.

  14. a slinky, everyone loves a slinky, you gotta have a slinky x]. good times ~!!! i',m going to make a sandwhich

  15. when i was really young my parents bought for me this wooden knife, wooden apple, pear and lemon.... the fruits where already cut into two n wre stuck together wity velcro... and i'll have to cut them using the wooden knife.... ya know, thru the velcro... was really fun!! i loved that and my dad is still keeping these toys in a box for me as memories of my childhood :)

  16. When I seven years old. I found a hammer on my father briefcase. I take it .

    It was the best toy of me. I was very happy. I don’t want to forgot it

  17. xbox 360

  18. A Teddy, i bid for a cardboard box job lot

    in an auction, he was lying in the bottom, hiding,George is

    still my friend of many years.

  19. mine was the easy bake oven  i had alot of fun making so many goodies to eat !!

  20. A big wooden dollhouse, yellow with white shutters, and all the furniture to go with it, including a white baby grand piano...

  21. Kerplunk! I miss Kerplunk. Although ours was second hand, so only had about 3 sticks and 2 marbles, which made for very quick games.

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