
What was the biggest heist in world history?

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when and where did the biggest heist happen?




  1. The Brink Mats gold bullion raid at Heathrow Airport always used to be quoted as the biggest (£50,000,000, $100,000,000, very little of which has been recovered) but I thik that may have been exceeded by a raid which took place last year on a security depot in Kent

  2. Religion

  3. It was one of the greatest thefts by a government in history; the confiscation by n**i Germany of around $580million of central bank gold -- worth around $5.6 billion at today's prices.

  4. The abolition of the 10 p tax band by the Labour government in the UK and the hike in all taxes and duties.If it had happened in the 1930s, Al Capone would have have asked for advice from Brown and Co

  5. On 9/11 when the trade center was destroyed, there was 3.2 billion dollars in gold bars stored in the vaults under the trade center building that belonged to the country of Kuwait- there was only a little over 2 million dollars of it recovered- This will have to be the biggest heist in the history of the world.

  6. Try this entire country

    How much is it worth -????????

  7. google it,    80 million,artwork,britain

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