
What was the biggest shock of your life????

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What was the biggest shock of your life????




  1. 9/11 when jennifer died my daughter 7/3/06 lacey my pet beagle 16 yrs past away first time i had s*x

  2. When I got a call to get to the hospital ASAP and found out my dad had died. Biggest shock and worst day of my life.

  3. When he was found not guilty on all 6 charges.

  4. When two cops showed up at my door showing me a picture of my fiancee who i slept next to for 9 yrs and was about to marry him within months, was wanted for murder of an ex girlfriend who he split open her head over and over again with a hammer, rolled her in a rug and threw her in the river.  I had to testify and he walked free because the laws changed and he could no longer be charged for a law that no longer exsisted.

    That was two of the biggest shocks of my life

  5. Finding out I was pregnant.

  6. seeing death firsthand at 14.watching someone slowly die is very,,,, changing

  7. Learning that I was chosen as most talented person in my high school senior class.

  8. being born!

  9. when i found out how babies were made :S

    lol i was in like 3rd grade

  10. When my enemy from highschool asked me on a date and said he always had a crush on me.

  11. my mother finally booting out her new companion. a few years after dad passed away mom let some control freak into  her life, and now he isn't. i guess i don't have to take him on a starlight car ride after all.

  12. When I found out my dad, wasn't my real dad.

    nuff said.  

  13. seeing a stretched out puussy

  14. wen my sister shocked me by rubbing with her slippers =(

  15. Coulda swore she was really a girl.  

  16. When I saw 3 snakes inside our house

  17. Getting electricuted by a dentist sign... Don't ask...

  18. when i walked into my neighbors wardrobe and entered a dreamworld full of magic

  19. Suffering from mental illness but all better now

  20. seeing 9/11

  21. Riding on FLa highway, I saw this van had a blowout, and it started flipping over, and over, and all of a sudden bodies came flying out the front windshield. It was 2 adults and a baby. Man Ill never forget that sight.

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