
What was the curse put on Adam and Eve for disobeying and eating the apple?

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  1. Death. They were able to live forever before that.

  2. read the bible innit

  3. That henceforth all who believe in this fairy tale shall suffer  delusion and madness.

  4. The Bible says nothing about any apple being the issue in the Garden of Eden.

  5. THE  curses  are  spelled  out  perfectly  in  genesis.The  woman's  curse  is  much  misunderstood.Her  reproductive  system   was  effected.She  would  no  bring forth  in  suffering.Its  painful   for  a  woman  to  deliver.The  times  of  her  conception  were  multiplied  by  12.Also   what  we  now  call  P.M.S   was  added  to  her  physiology.And   ofcourse    her  desire  was  to  be  to  her  husband.O.K    HERE  WE  GO  MANY  THINK  THAT  MEANT  SHE  WAS  NOW  A  SLAVE  TO  HER  HUSBAND   AND  THAT  HER  EQAULITY  WAS  TAKEN  AWAY.SORRY   HERES  THE  REVELATION  OF   HER  HUSBANDS  RULE OVER  HER  AND  THAT  HER  DESIRE  IS  TO  BE  FOR  HIM.THE  ORIGINAL  SIN  WAS  BEASTIASLITY  SHE  SLEEP  WITH  THE  SERPENT  BEFORE  ADAM.CAIN  IS  THE  SERPENT/CAVEMANS  SEED.THIS  PART  OF  THE  CURSE  NOW  FORBIDS  HER  TO  HAVE  MORE  THAN  HER  ONE  HUSBAND  ADAM  AS  A  s*x  PARTNER.SHE  IS  FORBIDEN  TO  SLEEP  WITH  ANY  OTHER  THAN  HIM.HER  DESIRE  IS  TO  BE  FOR  HER  HUSBAND.HE  RULES  OVER  HER  PROCREATION  AND   THE  ACT  OF  THAT.THATS  IT  HES  NOT  HER  MASTER  AND  LORD.BOY  ARE  MEN  GOING  TO  HATE  ME  FOR  THAT  REVELATION.I  TEACH  THIS  IN  MY  PAPER  ON  CREATION.Now  Adams  wasn't  physically  cursed  as  the  woman  or  the  serpent.His  curse    was  GOD  cursed  the  ground  thons  and  thistles  shall  it  bring  forth.He  lost  his  LORDSHIP  over  nature  so  to  speak  and  was  now  going  to  have  to  farm  for  himself  in  toil  and  heavey  work.This  is  just  a  short  overveiw  of  this  matter  as  it  takes  thousands  of  words  to  tell  the  mystery  of  the  curses.Also    in  the  curses  the  serpent/caveman  went  from   walking  uprightly  and  possesing  a  high  intellect  to  becoming  a  snake.We  lost  the  knowledge  of  which  snake  he  became  so  we  now  just  refer  to  all   that  family  of  reptiles  as  serpents.   THANK  YOU  D'S

  6. No apple, just the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

    It was a curse.

    Adam's curse was not on his body.  The earth was cursed because of him so that he would find farming difficult.

    Eve's curse was painful childbirth, menstruation and all the c**p that comes with it and desiring only her husband/subservience to her husband as someone else said.

    They were banned from Eden to prevent them from eating the fruit of the tree of life which would make them live forever in sin.

    It's all in Genesis.

  7. Death.

    x x x



  9. For Adam, that he would have to work for his food.

    For Eve, that she and her female descendents would be subservient to their husbands and have pain in pregnancy and childbirth.

    And it wasn't a curse, it was a punishment.

  10. Understanding Good and Evil, instead of trusting God's will in the matter, they took it upon themselves to decide for themselves.  God's curse was withdrawing "The Spirit" a.k.a. Kadosh Nephesh or God's Holy Breath.  They were left with their body and soul which is also translated as their witness, it is the only thing that transcends when we die.  As for God's Verbal Curse it is in Genesis it talks of labor pains and working the land basically no free ride from this point forward.  Christ returned "The Spirit" for those who choose Him to act as a guide for those lost in the sins of this world.  

  11. Knowledge. They weren't aware of the fact that they where naked before that and they started to sin after that. From then till Jesus, everybody that sinned went strait to h**l... now you can be forgiven.

    Why didn't you just pick up the bible?

  12. “Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent and the serpent didn't have a leg to stand on”

  13. God told them that they would surely die that day if they ate the fruit.

    But as we know, god obviously lied about this.

  14. The curse of humanity, the very God that created them flawed, then punished them for those very flaws.

  15. Imperfection, death.

  16. Apple?  Who said it was an apple?  I thought it was the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Boy oh boy.  I must be reading the wrong text.

    However, their punishment is explained the the same text.  For those who accept the validity of Genesis 3, the punishment was simply dismissal from the paradise of Eden, separation from the God they communed with, hard labor for food, and hard labor for child birth.

  17. orignal sin????? idk.... they were cast out of the garden of Eden????

  18. that they would have to leave the Garden of Eden and that Adam would have to work for their food and that Eve would have to suffer in bearing children.

  19. It was that all of their children (everyone) would be born with "original sin"  That's why baby's are baptized to wash away that sin.  That's also why fanatics say babies who aren't baptized go to h**l.

  20. they got evacuated ;-)

    they got kicked out of paradise... something like that

  21. Reading your question, it appears the "curse" was his blessing.

  22. Adam and Eve, where perfect Humans, energies that came with HIM, from his world heaven, their punishment was to suffer just the same as any other being or Animal, or entity, of a Living energy emanate from this world of matter. Because  their sin, will not allowed other earthly Living Energies, to learn from their perfection because their sin have tinted their purity, their purposes in life which was to gide Humanity into a more Intelligent way to reach out to heaven.

    This was the scheme to introduce slowly some of the others existences at the time, elemental being of earthly energies of matter, to the conditions offer in the garden of Eve, the introduction to the real world of matter that under the command of satan was to take sometime, before the heavenly humans, Adam and Eve, where able to inter relate and inter act with what was in the real earth, the prehistoric age?      

  23. There was no apple.  They ate from the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and as a result, God banned from the Garden to keep them from eating of the Tree of Life and becoming immortal like him.

    “And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. Genesis 3:22-23

  24. Adam has to work with the last pant of his blood before putting anything on the table for the family. ie: tilling the ground. Eve has to cry out loud before bring out resemblance.  

  25. (Genesis 3:16-19) . . .To the woman he said: “I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will bring forth children, and your craving will be for your husband, and he will dominate you.” 17 And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. 18 And thorns and thistles it will grow for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”

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