
What was the date and country that Ukraine established its embassy?

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Ukraine became a sovereighn State in l990; prior to l990 they did not have Embassies in the world because considered Russian. People are Ukrainian/ language is Ukrainian. Russia sent people to Oppress Ukrainian people and Russify Ukraine. Still attempting today/ Ukraine even today is the most forgotten country. Although Ukraine is the biggest European country; largest population and most terrorized country in the world; 5 empires occupied Ukraine; 16, 000,000 people starved to death by Russia.




  1. Which embassy? Ukraine is represented in many world countries... as I'm sure you know. (Are you sure this is not a rant in a very poor disguise?)

  2. Ukraine had a "charge d'affairs" in Russia before any embassy, but Canada was the first foreign embassy.

    Canada opened their embassy in Ukraine in September of 1991 (it had been in the works for 20 months - since before official independence).

    The Ukrainian embassy in Canada opened on December 1 1992.

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