
What was the deal behind Iran-Contra?

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I'm not hear to discredit Ronal Reagan, as liberals tend to make him out to be a "traitor", but it seems to me that there were good intentions behind the move.

Can you explain?




  1. Congress demanded that our government not support the contra rebels in Nicauragua with money.  There were hostages in the middle east held by Palestinian groups that were under the thumb of Iran.  Iran was at war with Iraq and losing; and needed dollars for essentials.

    CIA types in our government arranged for Iran to get cash, in return they gave excess rifles and weapons to Nicauraguan Contras that needed them, and several hostages were freed by was a win win all the way around but Congress was seriously miffed as their demands were not followed to the letter of the law.  Reagan pardoned those involved but claimed he didn't know they were doing it.

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