
What was the difference between the british and colonists? who would u rather b?

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What was the difference between the british and colonists? who would u rather b?




  1. doesn't rally matter thats history and it really doesn't have any importance in our life.

    that is why i hate it in school

  2. Well in some cases the Colonists were criminals.

  3. The big difference as I understand it was that the American colonists had been left alone for 150 years or so--benign neglect, they call it.  The Crown basically ignored the colonies, and as a result the colonists formed their own governments and got used to governing themselves.  They also got used to paying next to nothing in taxes to the Crown.

    After the French and Indian War, the British reasoned that since they were providing for much of our defense, we should pay a part of that.  Needless to say that didn't go down very well over here--nobody likes having to pay for something they were getting for free before.  Though our taxes were still much lower than what people paid in England, we weren't used to paying them, so it rankled.  It also didn't help that the British began with the Stamp Act, which impacted the upper classes (esp. lawyers, etc.), since they were the types of people who dealt a lot with the kinds of documents that needed the stamp.  This was also the part of society best able and most willing to rile up the populace against the new tax.

    I've given it a lot of thought, and honestly, if I had been an ordinary colonial living in those days, I might very well have been a loyalist.  Hard to say.  Now, who it was better to be, that depended mostly on which side was occupying the area you were living in.

  4. In America the colonists were British.  Like Obama, they wanted change.

  5. Well...there's not really a difference. The Colonists were British so it's really almost the same thing....I would probably rather be the British.

    Hope this helped,

    **Mandy** = ]

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