
What was the federal budget deficit or surplus in 2006? In 2007?

by Guest58701  |  earlier

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What was the federal budget deficit or surplus in 2006? In 2007?




  1. The national debt (trillions of dollars) is different from the annual federal deficit.

    Annual federal deficit:

    2006: $248 billion

    2007: $162 billion

    In contrast, from the years 1998 to 2001, the federal budget ran at a surplus.

    1998: $69 billion

    1999: $125 billion

    2000: $236 billion

    2001: $128 billion

    Since 2002 (deficit of $158 billion) the federal government has been running deficits.

    Take it as you will, but between 2002 and 2006, Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress.

  2. 2006: (Approximately) $8.5 trillion

    2007: $9 trillion

  3. surplus?!?!?   HAHAHA!  Thanks, I needed a good  laugh!

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