
What was the finals system used in the NRL before the McIntyre system any web address for this thanks?

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What was the finals system used in the NRL before the McIntyre system any web address for this thanks?




  1. I do not think there was a name for the final series that was before the McIntyre.  The way it worked was:

    There was 5 finalists.  The Minor Premier, or the top team is (was) awarded a week off.

    Preliminary Finals (Week 1)

    2 games, one on a Saturday, and the other on a Sunday.

    There was a Minor Preliminary game, and a Major Preliminary game.

    The loser of the Minor Preliminary game was out of the final series.

    The winner of the Minor Preliminary game advanced to the next week to play the loser of the Major Preliminary game.

    The winner of the Major Prelimiary game advanced to play the Minor Premier the next week.

    Finals (Week 2)

    Once again you had 2 games, one on a Saturday, one on a Sunday.

    The Minor Final was played between the winner of the Minor Preliminary Final and the loser of the Major Preliminary final.

    The Major Final was played between the other two, as mentioned.

    The loser of each game was out, and the winners went to the Grand Final.

    Grand Final (Week 3)

    1 game, if a tie, was replayed.  In later years, extra time was allowed.

    The winners of the Finals games played each other.

    The winner was deemed the Major Premier.

    I have not looked for any links, as it has been at least 10 years since the McIntyre system was adopted.

    You can find out information on previous finals, as in who played, who won, etc.  This may give you a clue as to how it was.

    I have found this site to be more reliable [1], but it may not contain some information.  You can go through the years by teams here.

    Or by years, here

    Another site, but I have found it to be less reliable on occasions, is

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