
What was the first History book ever written?

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Who were the first people to inhabit the world?What was the first creatures in the world?What was here first The sky or the earth?Ok let's say you agree with me Why do some people prefer to believe in the history books written long after?




  1. There's NO disagreement on this:  The first History book(s) ever written were The Histories (about the Greek-Persian wars), by Herodotus, in 440 bc

    Eastern societies of that time did not write history, because they considered it unimportant - To them, time moved in circles.  There was no need to record past events, because they would only happen again anyway.

    You've got some people saying the Bible is the oldest History book. (!)

    No, because History is supposed to be a recounting of past events, written solely from human inspiration.  The Bible is more than that, it is divine inspiration. (Jews believe the Torah is the unaltered word of God, written by Moses; Mormons believe their religious texts were written by an angel.) To put the Bible in the same class as a book of history really degrades it in value.

  2. The bible was the first history book written i think, either that or some of the scrolls from the library of alexandria, and i think that was in egypt.

  3. Nobody can tell you the first history book ever written.

    Only the first one to be found.

    The bible wasn't the first, and it isn't even historically correct, the old testament, or new. There were library's before the bible was written.

    As long as there was a written language, even before the Greeks, history was written down.

    Or do you literally mean, a book. The Romans had written history, long before the new testament bible, and the Egyptians, among others, recorded history before the old testament, .

  4. Pravda 31 July 2008

    The oldest book in the history of mankind written in Etruscan, the language that is now lost, can be seen in Bulgaria's National Museum of History

    The oldest book in the history of mankind written in Etruscan, the language that is now lost, can be seen in Bulgaria's National Museum of History in Sofia. The rarity consists of 6 pages made of 24-carat gold and fastened together; the pages are covered with text and carry images of a horseman, a mermaid, a lyre and warriors.

    The small book which age is over 2.5 thousand years was accidentally discovered 60 years ago in an old tomb with frescoes. The tomb was discovered in the Valley of Bulgarian Struma River during road construction works.

    A Bulgarian who lives in Macedonia presented the museum with the artifact on condition of anonymity. The benefactor discovered the book himself. As is known, the man is 87 years old now.

    The authenticity of the book was confirmed by two independent experts in Sofia and London, Director of the Museum Bozhidar Dimitrov says. As is considered, the 6 gold pages fastened together are unique; only single plates with texts in Etruscan have been discovered until recently.

  5. The Holy Bible was the first history book written. it answers ALL of those questions, and lots lots more!!!

  6. I will answer your first question..

    The very first history events were not written in books, they are actually written in clay stones and later in scrolls. These events were compiled by an author and resulted in a form of a book in later period. And the first history "book" that was written was made by Herodotus, a Greek author, before the birth of Christ. The title of the book was History and it was a vivid details about the war that has happened.

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