
What was the first NASCAR race that fans threw beer??

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Im just curious. Who won the race and which drivers fans were the majority of the beer throwers?????




  1. Wasn't there a race back in 2002... I think it was the Pepsi 400 at Daytona, where the fans threw everything on the track from beer cans to seat cushions? I think they weren't happy about the race ending under caution. I saw a file photo on Yahoo! Sports once in the Nascar section. It was definitely Daytona, with a bunch of trash on the frontstretch. Ah well.

  2. Can't tell you which race, but I remember it was in 1948 or 1949.

  3. Probably 1949 at the first Daytona 500 run on the beach.

  4. I believe Talladega 2004, at Jeff Gordon. I don't recall it happening before that.

  5. d**n Charles, those cans HURT back then.  Real question is Charles did you see anyone throw the can opener?

  6. I am pretty sure it was Dega when Gordon took the win from Dale Jr. but I also think of Gordon when he tied Dale Sr. in wins ... I think that was Cali?

  7. 2004 at Jeffy Gordon.  You see what kind of riots Jeffy causes!?

  8. it was talladega a few years ago. junior was in the proccess of passing jeff gordon for the win, but the caution came out just before he completed the pass, so NASCAR froze the field while gordon still had a nose out front and he won. that was the race that prompted NASCAR to impliment the green/white/checker rule.

  9. I don't recall the first time it ever happened, but I remember that all the Earnhardt Sr. fan were throwing beer at Gordon after he won at Talladega in 2000 (I know for a fact beer was thrown in 2004, but I think I can recall a similar incident at Talladega 4 years before) . It seems to be Earnhardt fans doing it all the time, but don't flame me for this because I'm not really sure, it's just my opinion based on what I've seen.

  10. I was at Talladega in 2004 and the reason they thru beer was for one with like 6 laps to go Vickers blew a tire they took their time cleaning it up and then ran the rest of the race under caution. Even the anouncer at the race was saying they should restart it. As soon as they announced they wouldnt restart everone started throwing stuff. Secondly when the caution came out Junior was about half a car length in front of Gordon and passed him easily but they said Gordon was still leading when the wreck happened. Hello when the caution came out he was leading but whatever. Well those are the reasons beer was thrown and thats the first time I ever saw it. I also remember Gordon burning out right in front of us while Budweisers were peppering his car. It was fun and exciting but I didnt throw anything.

  11. back in 50's when they raced on the sand at Daytona beach

  12. I have personally witnessed Tony Stewart fans throwing beer cans...07 Spring race at Martinsville....

    but it doesn't matter.  Some people refuse to blame anyone but Jr/Sr fans.  Ignorance is bliss, huh?

  13. GREAT answer "a few to man GO Jr".

    Very well put.

    I can honestly say that it's happened quite a few times over the years of me watching racing, it just wasnt on TV as much as it is now.  But I cant remember the first time.

  14. Ya know from my experience being at the tracks I have been at it is not Jr fans or Earnhardt fans at all. Well some are but for the most part they were non-race fans that hated who won not who lost.

    130000 fans in the stands and you think by sitting on your butt in front of the tube you can identify them all as Jr fans and Earnhardt fans. I can say that when I have been there live and in person and sober that many of the can tossers wore other drivers gear. I guess next thing your going to ask is where did all the AMP cans come from.!!! Does it count when Carl tosses a water bottle out of his car during a caution?

  15. I would like to shake anyones hand who has in their life ever thrown anything in rage directed towards Jeff Gordon.

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