
What was the first item ever to be patented ?

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What was the first item ever to be patented ?




  1. are just go and search in google for corresponding links....

  2. The first patented invention in the world was an improvement "in making Pot ash and Pearl ash by a new Apparatus and Process". Patent No. 1 was issued on July 31, 1790 to Samuel Hopkins.

  3. The first patent issued in America - what was it and when was it issued?

    1646, by the colony of Massachusetts, for a mill for manufacturing scythes.


  4. The history of patents and patent laws is generally considered to have started in Italy with a Venetian Statute of 1474 which was issued by the Republic of Venice.[1] They issued a decree by which new and inventive devices, once they had been put into practice, had to be communicated to the Republic in order to obtain legal protection against potential infringers. The period of protection was 10 years.[2]

    Patents, however, existed before the law. The first Italian patent was actually awarded by the Republic of Florence in 1421,[3] and there is evidence suggesting that something like patents was used among some ancient Greek cities.[4]

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