
What was the first play you saw? Where and how old were you?

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What was the first play you saw? Where and how old were you?




  1. It was the road show of the musical The King and I and I was 9 yrs. old. This was in 1952.

  2. The first live play I saw (not counting school presentations by children's theater companies) was a performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest, performed in my local library by a talented group of local players. I was probably eleven, and followed the play pretty well, and enjoyed the performances. The cool thing about it was that I figured out that plays can be put on just about anywhere, with minimal scenery and costumes and still work really well. Not long after, some friends and I formed our own neighborhood acting troupe, and put on garage performances of "Treasure Island" and "The House of Frankenstein" (our own scripts) for neighbors and schoolmates.

  3. I don't remember the first play I ever saw, but I remember my first musical. I was about 13, and I was fortunate enough for my Mom to bring me to New York City to see many musicals. The first one I saw was "Phantom of the Opera". I have always LOVED the theatre, but this particular experience awed me. It inspired me to practice opera and get into the theatre. I graduated from Illinois State University with my bachelor's degree in theatre management, and I haven't looked back. I LOVE the theatre and the katharsis it has the power to envoke in its spectators. I am 25 now, and am currently looking for any job involving my passion with the theatre. While the choices are less, I still am so glad that I have had the most supporting parents in the world (even though I am the ONLY one in my family to take up this wonderful profession.) If you are looking for a good play to see/read, I suggest "Metamorphoses" by Mary Zimmerman. It is not a children's play, however, but its style is different in that it is written in an almost Shakespeareian tone while it was written in our lifetime. I love it because it is ugly and beautiful all at the same time, and very complex. Our college did this play, and even though I have seen many professional plays and musicals in Chicago and New York, I enjoyed this one the most. The set was beautiful. It called for a pool in the middle of the stage, which led to a few complications for us preproduction (especially since I was the head makeup artist - LOL) but ended up being totally worth it and was breathtaking in the end.

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