
What was the first terrorist attack? i mean where did the very first terrorist attack took place ??

by Guest59019  |  earlier

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why and how???




  1. If you're referring to the US or North America it would be early excursions of Spanish along the Santee river of South Carolina, and along the Savannah and Altamaha rivers of Georgia where Native Americans were taken back to the islands and enslaved. Early 1500's and that would be my idea of early terrorist attacks.

  2. Yemen - Uss Cole right up to Bali.

    Leaving footprints.

    Luke 8.10-17

    What do you think?

  3. The French Revolution provided the first uses of the words "Terrorist" and "Terrorism"  in 1795 .

  4. Terrorism is a tactic, not an ideology. Terrorism is attacking civilians for military or political purposes, and as such we can safely say that the first acts of terrorism occurred during the very first wars. Herod killing the babies would be terrorism, Rome selling the inhabitants of Carthage into slavery. h**l, Alexander the Great had an entire Greek Town massacred: helpless men, woman, and children slaughtered while they held palm fronds as a sign of peace for their Greek brothers. The European colonizers used terrorism extensively in their conquest of the world. A quick review of history will find countless examples.

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