I don't know about anybody else, but I'm getting a little tired of people ranting and raving about how the "casual gamers" and/or "n00bs" are ruining gaming. Doesn't anyone remember their gaming roots? I'm sure that many of us who are gaming veterans started out with a hopelessly simple game and worked our way up to games like Zelda. This is why the "casual gaming" thing doesn't bother me. I think that the more people get used to simple games like Wii Sports, the more they'll want to play the difficult and complex games.
So, gamers, what was the first video game you ever played? Go into as much detail as possible! Here's an example to get you started:
My first game was the Sesame Street Letter Go Round on the NES. I was two years old, but I was very proud of myself for being able to play on "Mommy and Daddy's toy" (my parents were avid gamers at this point). It actually taught me how to read.