
What was the funniest dream you ever had?

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  1. lol @ Heba


    once i had a dream that i was getting married but i didn't know who i was getting married too....... i asked people that who is the girl..........all they said ... "don't worry about it" ;)  

  2. Answer this one;...

  3. wa'laikum assalam,

    lol, i dreamt i was the pink power ranger, very corny.

  4. Well........(get ready 0.o) this dream was wierd.

    I was in a shopping cart skidding across  grocery store floor. My eyes were x's and it looked like I was dead(cartoon version). Then, all of a sudden, I was alive in a desert driving a car made entirely of orange peels. Then, I was back in a shopping cart, dead, in the desert, and crashed into a cactus. Then I died.

    Also, one time, I had a dream about a subway sandwich (tuna, ranch, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers-my fave!). This dream was funny.

    A wierd dream was when I was in llama form and all of my friends were in llama form and we were in a herd in a desert. All of a sudden, we turned into humans and tall , yellow evil rabbits with pink eyes and evil grins started shooting small silver bullets at us. I got shot in the head, died, and my frieind got shot in the knee and died. There was no gore, though.

    Sadly, I have more nightmares then good dreams.and I am fighting for survival in lots. Like one time, I was in a shuttle shaped like the one in Zenon the qequel movie, but it was made of inflated rubber.It was abour to sefl destruct and my friends and I were trying to get out. We climbed down a ladder and the dream ended.

  5. that i got engaged to Mohanned from the show noor lol lol  

  6. i had a dream that the cullen family from twilight was staring wide eyed at bella while she brushed her teeth. it was a little funny, but mostly just random and weird.

  7. lolz i have answered this question so many times before.....and yeah i dreamt of getting married to Nana Patekar

  8. I was being chased by Robocop (remember him) and the Terminator... actually that was a nightmare. And don't you hate the dreams where you dream of p*ssing and when you wake up you realise you actually p*ssed in the bed, lol back in my kiddie days.

  9. I was sleeping next to my grandmother,and I dreamt that there was a spider I was trying to 'shoo' away.In reality I had just slapped my grandmother.

  10. Ha!ha!ha!

    funniest dream was that i was kicking 1 qfactor as if in (Tom and Jerry)

    and he was shouting"O!mirza help! Mirza help!"

    the way i was kicking him ha ha hah!

    i cant stop laughing when i woke up.

  11. My todger fell off in a dream when i was a teenager and it was freaky.

  12. I have dreams where I'm driving down a narrow lane then suddenly I'm above the road, looking down. Its a bit frightening but I never crash .

  13. i dont remeber. but all i know is that when i woke up i was laughing my head off. haha


  14. Wa alaikum assalam.

    I had this dream in which i had Ron and Fred and George ( of Harry Potter) as my brothers ( :P ) and they were throwing eggs at me and i was standing there telling them to decorate me with some more!! ( may be MY brothers had drunk Polyjuice potion)

    I wonder how it popped up in my sleep!

  15. I'm really self concious about my weight and i was gonna go to meet my husband and he is quite thin and i dreamed that when i went to hug him i squished him : (  

  16. Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees... Dream a little dream of me.

  17. None...I am not funny when sleeping.

    I don't think so that once is I saw myself going out with a guy who is younger than me and never talked to him!

  18. I dreamt  I was dying of thirst and I was trying to fill a glass of water from the Niagara falls but it was impossible. More funny peculiar than funny ha ha.

  19. will smith came to my house with 4 bodyguards and accompanied me to school so all the girls at my school were jealous of me

    funny dream coz i hate will smith :|

  20. I was ******** with my teacher. XD  

  21. i was dancing with the "Beast" from The Beauty and the Beast

  22. i dreamed i was an alien! i was here on earth and people were trying to kidnap me and make money with me.. i was green with big head&eyes, u know, the classic alien image =)

  23. i was walking then fell over and all my clothes came off!!!

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