
What was the funniest moment of ur day?

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mine was i was at the park with my friends ( who know nothing)

and they where talking about how g*y people are soo funny and then they where like twisted you could be g*

it was realy funny 4 me...

you? and if ur haveing a bad day well there still has to be a good part!!




  1. my 4 yr cousin singing along to "i kissed a girl", he knew every word XD

  2. Hmm probably when my Chemistry teacher walked in to my work and saw me holding her child and the look on her face was priceless [in a good way though] It's funny because I used to have a crush on her and to have her see me with her daughter is funny to me.

  3. well today in music analysis my crush gave my teacher this really funny look and asked her "hey is it chill if i go pee now"

    but the wayy he said it was priceless and everyone started laughing soo hard!  

  4. we were going to church at school and this girl i absolutely hate fell down the stairs and hit my ex-best friend, knocking her downstairs with her.

    i about peed myself

    then the priest said s*x instead of six in his homily twice. i couldnt stop laughing, until my principal yelled at me :(

  5. My funniest part was when me and my friends were talking about the show"To Catch a Predator". And then we reenacted a few scenes. For example:

    Predator: Oh S**t who are you?!

    Chris Hanssen: Hello I am Chris Hanssen and you are on "To Catch a Predator"

    Predator: We were only going to talk.

    Chris Hansen: Then what are the condoms for, I see you brought both flavored and colored.

    Predator: U I swear we were only going to talk, I was just going to give her these so she can practice safe s*x.

    Chris Hanssen: Then what is the rope and shovel for that we found in your car?

    Predator: Uhh I just came back from gardening?

    LOL they are so funny

  6. lol that's funny & mine was about an hour ago. My dad let me drive the car and I had to take a turn & he say's "oh **** no another car don't hit it plz dnt, wait your going to fast". When i was only going like 5mph. & When i take my turn fine i start going str8 he says forget this pull over were done. lOl lemme tell you i think you actually had to be there to see the look on his face lol but yeah to me that was funny

  7. my moment was when my mum leaned back into the car after getting out and asking me where she had put her keys so she could get into the house

    i looked at her and said "er mum they're in your mouth"

    i was pissin myself ova tht one for ages

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