
What was the geography of the maya, inca, and the aztecs?

by Guest60024  |  earlier

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also, if you can answer, the social class structure for Maya, Inca, Aztec-plz mention dates

religion for Maya, Inca, Aztec-mention dates

how the Maya, Inca, Aztec declined-mention date

the Maya, Inca, Aztec trade/agriculture-mention date

IF YOU CAN ANSWER ALL THESE ill give 10points and





  1. I could tell you the answers to all of those questions that you asked ,but part of becoming educated is learning to do your own research . With the advent of the internet  doing research and finding answers to questions is much easier than it used to be.

  2. One theory for the demise of the Maya is that there were too many royals and not enough worker bees.  They lived in a rain forest or jungle.  The Inca lived in mountains and very high altitudes.  The Aztecs were relatively high in elevation but the land was flat.  The main city was built on a lake.

  3. Yes go to the library and find some books in the archaeology geogrpahy and ancient history sections. There should also be books in the American hisotry section right at the beginning.

    This is obviously a homework question so go do your own research.

    Next time remember to bring your history text book home or go to the school library at lunch break.

    If your school or town or city library doesnt have enufff books on this topic  complain to the school board or find out who orders the library books.

    Also look at  the questions again. Take the keywords and use them for search parameters for Wikipedia and Google!

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