
What was the grand impact that margaret mead did around the world?

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What was the grand impact that margaret mead did around the world?




  1. Margaret Mead once stated that she set out to understand people and to use what knowledge that she gained to help other people. Margaret's purpose in life was one that was very unselfish because more than anything she wanted to help others. Margaret Mead was a woman that dreamed of becoming someone important and making a difference in her world.

    Mead was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1901 to very highly educated parents for their time. Ever since she was a young girl, Margaret had a desire to gain an education and to choose an occupation that would help her make her mark in society. First, Margaret attended DePauw University in Indiana for one year, then she studied at Barnard College in New York. Later she received her Ph D. Degree from Columbia University.

    Mead first traveled to Samoa, more specifically to the island of Tau. There she lived with the Holts, an American family. After living in Samoa only six weeks, she had learned the language. Margaret spent virtually all of her time talking with the natives, absorbing everything she could about the culture. She had a hard time adjusting to the climate and experienced some very violent storms. While in Samoa, Margaret focused her studies on the development of adolescent girls on the island. In 1928, Margaret Mead published her best known book, Coming of Age in Samoa.

    Mead is recognized most for her studies in Samoa, however she also lived among several other primitive people such as the Manus tribe of the Admiralty Islands, the Arapesh, the Mundugumor, the Tehambuli, Balinese, and Iatmal. She learned to speak all of their languages and emersed herself in each culture.

    Mead authored twenty-six books and published numerous articles. These works of literature have been translated into virtually all languages. Especially later in her life, Mead was recognized as a worldwide leader. She had a heavy influence on the United Nations, the Episcopal Church, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science for which she was elected to head in 1974. Another major accomplishment occurred in 1926, soon after her return from Samoa, when Mead was appointed Curator of Ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Mead continued her association with this museum the rest of her life.

    Margaret Mead left a lasting impression on people from her generation as well as those who live today. The work that she accomplished during her lifetime was a base from which others have continued to research further. To women, she served as a source of inspiration for her achievements in a professional field. Through her work as an anthropologist, Mead helped bridge gaps between cultures to resolve misconceptions and existing prejudices. It is easy to see the great contribution that Margaret made to the world and why she is viewed to be an individual that made a difference. Mead accomplished her goal in life.

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