
What was the greatest heel turn in history?

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What was the greatest heel turn in history?




  1. The Rock when he was feuding with Stone Cold and being cokcy about his hollywood success!!! He even got booed again like back in the old Rocky Miavia days

  2. Hulk Hogan becoming Hollywood Hogan

    If Vince is smart he will have Cena turn heel like & be a leader of a group but they won't

    I didn't like Austin joining Vince at WrestleMania 17 or Goldberg joining Jeff Jerritte in WCW they were stupid

  3. Hollywood Hogan! when ur with Hollywood Hogan, u just too sweeeet brother!  

  4. I like old school...I liked it when Hulk Hogan took Paul Orndorff under his wing and become a dominant force! Hulk Hogan and Paul Orndorff took on Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy only to have Paul Orndorff turn on Hogan in the match. In actuality not a legitimate heel turn considered that it looked more like a set up. Never the less a great heel turn!

  5. Hulk Hogan

    Others that kinda shocked

    Sgt. Slaughter turning on America

    Andre turning on Hogan

    Michaels turning on Jannety, it was the most brutal and most dramatic, but you could see it coming a mile away

    Road Warriors turning on Dusty and Sting

    Michael Hayes and Terry Gordy turning on the Von Erichs

    HHH turning on HBK

    HHH turning on Ric Flair

    Ole Anderson turning on Dusty

    Mr. Wrestling II turning on Magnum TA

    The Horsemen turning on Dusty.  This was classic Horsemen.  Flair was getting pummeled by the Russians in a Steel Cage.  Dusty came in to help Flair and after they cleared the ring of the Russians, out came Ole, Arn, and Tully.  The Horsemen proceeded to lock the cage and beat the h**l out of Dusty.

    Larry Zbysco turning on Bruno

    It would have been cool if Magnum had never gotten into his car accident, he would have won the World title, but because he always felt upstaged by Dusty Rhodes, he would have turned on Dusty setting up a very emotional feud.

  6. Shawn Michaels turning on Marty Jannetty?

    The Rock joining The Corporation?

    Triple H returning to RAW only to give Shawn Michaels the Pedigree and ruin their DX reunion in 2002?

    Stone Cold aligning himself with Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania X7 to s***w The Rock out of the WWF Championship, and Triple H joining them the next night?

    Stone Cold betraying Team WWF and joining The Alliance? WHAT?!

    And wasn't there one where Goldberg joined nWo by s******g Bret Hart out of a match? I can't recall.

    But considering that Hulk Hogan going "Hollywood" and joining nWo nearly incited a riot with fans throwing sh*t into the ring, I think that's gotta be the biggest heat a heel turn has ever gotten.

  7. Well let's see.  Up until they revealed him as the newest member of NWO, even Hogan wasn't sure he was going to do it.  Like that hoagie or hate him, he put wrestling on the mainstream map and was THE biggest face in hoagiedom when he became HOAGIEwood Hogan...the ONLY gimmick I EVER liked at ALL for that hoagie.  It set a new stage in wrestling history.  Noone would have been bigger.

    HOAGIE for YOU!

  8. Hogan joining nWo, but my favorite was at WrestleMania XV in 1999 when Triple H reunited with Chyna and later that night they both turned on X-Pac.

  9. mr perfect

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