
What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest?

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What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest?




  1. Happiest day was the day my son was born, although I was worn out from the day looking back it was that day that changed my life.

    Saddest day was the day I found that my father had passed away. It devistate my heart and my life. It happened when I was a child so it truly traumatized my life for many years after that. I can remember looking for him in crowds until I was 16 years a child I didn't believe that he was truly gone. I used to have nightmares that he lived somewhere else and wouldn't come back to us. It definitely devistated my life.

  2. The happiest moment of my life was when i was at hampton beach with my best friend. We had the time of our lives. The saddest moment of my life was when my cat died. He was with me since i was born, so he really meant a lot to me.

  3. saddest,when it was my turn to hold my dead 5 day old baby nephew last was only at that moment on holding him wrapped in a little blanket that his death really hit me .i didnt even get a chance to hold him in the 5 days he was alive,he was too seriously ill.i dont consider anything to be the happiest moment,but ive got alot of happy memories though.

  4. well of now i am still

    young and have more things in life

    to face so i cant say the happiest and

    sadest moment of my life!..

  5. My truly happiest, I think I've yet to experience caz it's still a long way down the road for me.

    But I know what's the saddest though, it's knowing that I will never get my biological father to give me away at the altar caz it'll upset my mum too much. I was 3 when my parents divorced and I don't know where he is.

  6. happiest:

    probably when

    my little sister

    was born[shes two years

    younger than me]

    we're like besties =]

    saddest: when my

    kitty died. i was crying the

    rest of the week.

  7. Everytime we go holiday somewhere are fun and exciting.

    I don't want to remember the day when my Dad died, it's been few years now. Sad.

  8. hi the most happiest thing of my lif ewas going paris,germany,india,spain and morocco with my best friend and no one else.that was the best and when my neices were born.

    The saddest moment  in my life is when my nephew died right in  my hands he was breathing and all but then in a minute he just died i find myself guilty for that i dont know why everybody says no im not guilty but i still find myself guilty

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