
What was the hardest class you took during your engineering studies?

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Calc I, II, II, Differential Equations, Physics I, II, Statics, Solids, or some course with in your specific engineering major?




  1. Continuum Machanics:  I got sick of solid pages of partial differential equations and I was good at them.  Translating 10 to 20  partials per page into a physical image in my head finally got to me.

    Take a ,look to get a feel for the subject:

  2. Transmission Lines and Electric fields. It covered magnetism and impedance in various types of lines and cables. It required a lot of 3D Calc.

    The next hardest for me was differential equations.

  3. Control Systems was no walk in the park.

  4. English and humanities courses.  All the science was easy and fun.

  5. for me it was math I & II which came after calc I & II at the university of manitoba, they dealt mostly with differential equations and integration. another one was called numerical methods which is basically mathematic programming with MATLAB, horrible course

  6. My degree was in Electrical Engineering. At first any mechanical class was so insanely hard for me Statics was like my main focus the semester I took it.

    On the EE side like the other person side Control Systems certainly wasn't a walk in the park. Also Electromagnetics was another class I went into the final for one last Hail Mary.

  7. I struggled most with calculus 2, which mostly dealt w/ integrals.  Optics was hard too, a part of my physics 3 class

  8. The course that still gives me night mares is

    Advanced thermodynamics, UUUGH!

    Usually, if you have a good book and a lousy prof, you can get along. If you have a bad book and a good prof your OK. What I had was a terrible book and a prof that didn't speak very good English and I was screwed.

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