
What was the highest mountain before Mount Everest was found?

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What was the highest mountain before Mount Everest was found?




  1. It still would have been Mount Everest.  It just that it would have not been discovered at the time.

  2. Mount Everest of course.  Before it was discovered, it still existed and was still the highest.

  3. Mount Everest was never "found", Peak XV was found in 1856, but not til 1865 was it named Everest.  Mt.  Kangjenchunga, the peak directly next to XV, was originally thought to be the highest for a time until surveyors could get closer for a better measurement.  so technically they both had already been discovered, it was only a case of difficult measurement which caused them to believe K2 was higher

  4. everest,  it was still the highest, it just didn't know it.

  5. everest has always been the highest land mountain, but i think it was probably k2 which is 28,251 ft

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