
What was the impact of robert fulton's steam engine?

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thankkkkkkkkkkks!! :]]]<33




  1. Fulton is often hailed as the inventor of the steamboat. Not true. There were many earlier steamboat inventors both in the U.S. and Europe. John Fitch operated such a boat on the Delaware River in Pennsylvania at least 20 years before Fulton. But Fulton was something that Fitch and the others were not; he was a successful (some would say ruthless) entrepreneur. Fame often goes to the those who name is associated with the commercial success of an invention. Fulton is a classic example. Robert Fulton, American Inventor, should be known as American Entrepreneur. And in America that can be a high honor.

  2. Are you serious? look out side, you will spot like 40 examples.

    How about for trade?

    How about for Travel?

    How about for industry?

    He may not of invented the engine but he improved it, he was one in a chain of people, with the engine we could usher in the industrial revolution. Steal industry alone, once man stopped using wind, and animals to move industry along it brought on the modern age.

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