
What was the initial impact of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution at the time of their draft

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How do they endure in today's world?

What are 3 different effects that the const. and the D had on society?

How did other countries look at these new colonies and their government?




  1. For the first few weeks after their adoption, not much happened.  Just the "feel good" time when you've done something brave. There was still a lot of fighting to be done after the Declaration.

    They endure today in our freedoms.  There are so many countries where there is no freedom.  Is it Kenya or Nigeria where the dictator refused to honor the election.  He killed anyone who was against him.  Our Declaration and Constitution help protect us from that.

    Constitution gives us the vote;  stops the government from unreasonably entering or searching our homes;  allows us to speak in public without the government telling us what to say; allows freedom of religion.

    The Declaration doesn't have the same modern effect.  It made us free from Britain. It stopped us from suffering taxation without representation, and it says that we have the right to overthrow any tyrant that tries to take over our government.

    Other countries were amazed.  Everyone thought that only a very few rich people should make all the decisions for the entire country.  The poor people were never trusted to make any decisions.  They were assumed to be too stupid to make good decisions.  NOt in America.  The citizens were trusted with the vote and trusted to participate in all levels of government.

  2. really! do your own home work.

  3. You gotta work the first six days to rest the seventh bud. Do your own research pal, it will pay off one day!

  4. omg u must have eyler and sudfield ! if u don't then nvrmind.

    umm say something about how it influenced the french revolution thats all i kno

  5. for the first par they had no initial impact they are pieces of paper.. untill they are implemented and someone sheds blood to make them have effect..they do nothing.

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