
What was the interactions between the Ancient Greek and Ancient Romans, or were they the same thing?

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  1. The ancient Greece was located in, well, Greece. Ancient Romans came after Ancient Greece, with the rise of the roman empire. However, most of the mythology and social customs came from Greece. By the way, ancient romans were located mostly in Italy, but their empire extended over Europe, Asia and Africa. Yeah, they took over the Greeks too.

  2. The term ancient Greece refers to the period of Greek history lasting from the Greek Dark Ages ca. 1100 BC and the Dorian invasion, to 146 BC and the Roman conquest of Greece after the battle of Corinth.

    Greek culture had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which carried a version of it to many parts of Europe. The civilization of the ancient Greeks has been immensely influential on the language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science, and arts.

    The Romans were completely fasinated by the Greeks.

    While Ancient Greece was thriving and considered by many, as the cultural center of the known world (remember, Alexander the Great had long before captured even Egypt, and Egypt was a part of Greece).......Romans were just a small militaristic tribe in Italy.

    They were NOT the same thing.

    Rome grew and went about conquering Italy, then went for Greece, Western Turkey, and Egypt.

    They weren't exactly fond of one another.

  3. The Greeks predated the Romans. The glory of the Greeks was over when the Romans ruled the land.

  4. I think this article is of help!

  5. They weren't the same thing. Ancient Greeks existed before the Romans, they had city states in Greece and also had colonies in Southern Italy -Spartan colonies-. When the Romans overthrew their Etruscan monarchs, they became intimate with the Hellenic culture and the Etruscan culture which enabled the Romans to develop a unique culture by mixing these two fabulous civilizations. Then, as you might expect, Rome got powerful and started to expand. Romans gathered many different groups of people under the same flag, mostly following the stoic idea of a universal state where all Roman citizens are equal, unlike the ancient Greeks who lived in little city states where most of the people were related to each other by blood and said "Whoever is not a Greek is a barbarian"

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