
What was the invasion of Iraq about??

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Something as serious as ruining a country yet the reasons for it are clear as mud (to me anyway) Were they really looking for wmd's or was that a red herring? hard to accept they could just make a mistake about something like that - Was it a pre emptive strike against some kind of al queda threat? Otherwise no one seems to have benefited




  1. It was about oil, and only oil. If it was, as it is claimed, to save the Iraqi people from a dictator, then why isn't the UN in Burma, Sudan or Zimbabwe? Don't those people deserve to be saved by their dictators as much as the Iraqis did? And why aren't we there, and in the other nations ruled by despots? Cos there ain't no oil there, that's why.

  2. Oh, how clueless some people can be.

    There are 22 Arab countries in the Middle East and look who the US has always had an issue with: Lybia, Syria, and Saddam's Iraq. All critical of Israel and the Arab countries that have had a peace agreement with it before the resolution of the Palestinian issue.

    Not to say that all Arab countries don't feel that way but the countries I've mentioned have been the most vocal about it.

    After seeing what the US did with Iraq and the inability of the Arab countries to do anything about it Lybia took itself off the list and decided to become buddies with the US in 2004. The problem now is Syria, isn't it?

    Never mind the human rights abuses going on in Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morroco in Western Sahara, Egypt and its persecution of political dissidents, Yemen and its war with its Shiite minority, because it's all about Israel, Israel, Israel.

    Look at Iran now. Since they're very vocal in their criticism of Israel and its nuclear weapons, Iran now is the problem.

    And that's how it works in the US and its power elite.

    Let's hope the next US president, whoever he is, and the new people who'll be elected to Congress and the Senate will have enough balls to come up with a different, and more rational, policy towards the Middle East.

  3. What invasion?

    Trace it back in the TV newsreels and prints.

    Back from Desert Storm.

    Will come across on who dial up the Toll Free line.

    Which does not come cheap.

    When one could not solve the mess of their own creation in own backyards..

    After the work done.

    Gulliver could not leave.

    With both legs being tied down to the ground.

    By the Liliputians with the big and small ends shaking like leaves in holding tight to both of Gulliver's legs.

    Luke 6.39-40,41045,46049

    What do you think?

  4. The reason for the war in Iraq was to find any weapons of mass destruction.

  5. Iraq was over Oil,,3...

    & only a select few gained from it.

  6. Yes I was Oil. And they are using that excuse to attack other nations because they want more and more Oil.

    The world and US economies will shut down and stop...without Oil! Just imagine...fewer cars going around...all kinds of factories shutting down....planes and airports shutting down...railways shutting and fishing shutting down! Our whole way of life will be disrupted! From traveling to food and everything in between will be lost....if it werent for Oil :)

  7. Oil.

  8. The invasion was the height of stupidity...

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